Thursday 21 June 2012

Bleach Review


SummaryBleach is a anime based around a high school student called ichigo Kurosaki who is able to see the spirits around him and interact with them. Whilst trying to help the spirits move on he is attacked by a evil spirit called a "hollow" The hollows wear masks and tend to have big muscular bodies and are typically tall.
 Whilst being attacked he meets a girl called Rukia who offers him a way to defeat the hollow. Putting his trust in the girl he plunges his sword into his stomach and gains abilities of death gods( shinigami) in which he soul becomes its own living entity and becomes a sword. Soon finding out that Rukias actions are illegal from a place called soul society. Due to itchgo taking Rukias powers and leaving he stranded in the mortal word he is left to look after her which progresses to a close bond with her. Soon after there brief time together the are confronted by two members of soul society and take rukia who is to executed. Gilt ridden and filled with rage Ichigo finds a way into soul society which is where he is confronted by various enemies who he has to over come in order to save her.

About The Style

The anime bleach is a heavy based anime which involves the characters, good or evil powering up to defeat one and other. When kinks pop up the character usually has to under go some sort of transformation and emotional journey. The animations progress and become more advanced as the anime progresses showing that it becomes more and more successful. There is an unusual representation of good and evil as evil is typically represented by blue whilst the protagonist is red.
The Good Bits
All the way through bleach you get a feel with each and every different character you meet, such as when the make a connection or when someone is betrayed. You feel like the characters become more and more deep and

meaningful. Whilst sometimes the bad guy turns out to be an ally or vice-versa the viewer knows each and every member of the anime for there personal and unique style and blade they carry. The art of the anime is amazing it involves typically a dark setting and a dragon ball z style power up feel. As the main protagonist progresses and gets stronger more and more things change about him and the way people act around him showing that maybe changing isn't for the better. 

The Bad Bits
The bad bits about Bleach is that there is constant fillers all the way through the anime. Some fillers will take an entire 15 episodes or just 1 but from time to time it does become a pain and just makes you want to punch your computer screen. Also the anime has now been cancelled after about 400 episodes they caught up to the manga too fast which irritated a lot of the viewers. The manga is stilll on going but the whole production of bleach on anime has been cancelled    

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